Saturday 30 March 2013

solar system

 dear readers
did you know Jupiter has rings
and so does Neptune. I do. And you can't stand on Jupiter or Saturn's rings. Pluto has not been a planet since 2006 even the other blog writer knows it so do I and Venus is the hottest planet not mercury even though mercury is the closest to the sun and Venus is 2nd closest and if you were 7 yr old here you would only be 7 months old on Jupiter if we could stand on it. Mars has the highest mountains not earth. did you know with out the sun there wouldn't be any day. do you know the phases of the moon. see below. Uranus 

moon phases

new moon 1
waxing crescent 2
first quarter 3
waxing gibbous 4
full moon  5
waning gibbous 6
last quarter 7
waning crescent 8

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